Welcome! I'm thrilled you've landed here. My journey has always echoed the sentiment, "if I can do this, anyone can." I wasn't handed a blueprint for success; instead, my life unfolded into a path of healing spanning many years. Even as a Registered Nurse, I felt a calling beyond conventional medicine. During my nursing studies, I delved into energy healing courses at a time when such topics were rarely discussed. The absence of education on the body's energy centers left me convinced of the system's flaws and spurred my determination to pursue holistic healing.

I feel I am incredibly fortunate to pursue my passion. Despite lacking any background in business or marketing, I've successfully established multiple ventures. 2021 marked a milestone with the publication of my first book, The Ultimate Guide to Shamanism. My journey has required navigating through significant traumas, limiting beliefs and personal barriers. Throughout this process, I've embraced continuous self-investment, firmly believing in its importance at every stage.
I've come to understand that many desire to align with their Highest Purpose, yet struggle to overcome the obstacles in their path. I empathize deeply with those who sense a void or something missing in their lives. I recognize the multifaceted and multidimensional layers of healing necessary to create the life we envision, spanning from the physical and ancestral to the depths of the soul. Drawing from my own experiences, I offer a pathway to healing that bypasses unnecessary detours. My goal is to spare others from prolonged healing journeys, guiding them toward a life of fulfillment and purpose.

Now, I'm here to serve as your guide, empowering you to live your most fulfilling life and reach your highest potential. It's a privilege to be of service on your journey.

Training & Certifications

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Registered Nurse, British Columbia, 2007

Level 3 Energy Healer, British Columbia, 2006-2008

Biofeedback Practitioner, British Columbia, 2009

Shamanic Journeying, Remote Viewing, USA, 2012

Heartmath Interventions Practitioner, British Columbia 2013-2014

Space Clearing Consultant 2014-2015

Pranic Healing: Advanced, Crystal and Colour healer, British Columbia, 2009-2014

Shamanic Initations, British Columbia, 2014-2015

Shamanic Coaching, British Columbia, 2015-2016

Shamanic Breathwork, Guatelama, 2015

Shamanic Sound Healer, Hawaii, 2018

Ecstatic Dance Facilitator, USA, 2020

Quantum Healer, USA, 2021-2022

Kambo Practitioner, USA, 2017

Advanced Kambo Practitioner, USA, 2019

Holographic Sound Healer, Colorado, 2019

Shamanic Arts/Mesa Carrier, Ontario, 2019-2020

Gong resonance, Ontario, 2019

4th Level Paq’o, Peru, 2023

Snake Medicine Practitioner, USA, 2024

Rebecca wrote her first book, The Ultimate Guide to Shamanism, in 2020 and was published by Quarto in 2021

Author of, The Ultimate Guide to Shamanism

What People Are Saying

Only you can free yourself